How to Begin Zazen Practice

The Basis of Zen is Zazen (Seated Zen Meditation)

Zazen means “sitting Zen”.  It is the simple and profound practice of deep observation, without the burden of specific goals and expectations. During a meditation period we make a conscious effort to be present in all experiences, rather than to be engaged by them. In other words, we choose to silently witness the arising thoughts, emotions, sounds, scents, and sights, allow them to stay as long as they need, and let them subside on their own accord.

Through the practice of meditation we sharpen our awareness, raise the attention level, and gradually become more engaged in all aspects of our lives. Regular meditation can greatly enhance a person’s life, and will contribute to wellbeing and a deep sense of unconditional contentment.  For additional information please speak to Alexander Daibō Kōjin (大波 廣仁) Biagioli and visit the Eiryu-ji Zen Center of New Jersey.