Budo Glossary
Your guide to the Budo vocabulary
This page will provide you with translations and explanations to the different words used in Mugai Ryu Iaido.
Budo 武道 | Japanese martial arts |
Iaido 居合道 | Art of drawing the sword |
Kaiso 開祖 | Founder of a Ryuha; In case of Mugai Ryu: Tsuji Gettan Sukemochi |
Kenjutsu 剣術 | Art of handling the sword, mostly referred to as with an opponent or partner |
Koryu 古流 | Old japanese martial arts styles, founded before 1868 |
Ryhuha 流派 | Style of martial arts, mostly in the context of Koryu |
Sensei 先生 | Teacher; Master |
Soke 宗家 | Headmaster of a Ryuha |
Dojo 道場 – Hall used for training
Bashochō 場所著 | Leader of the training, substitute to Shibuchō or Kaichō |
Kai 会 | Association |
Kaichō 会長 | Head of the association |
Kamiza 神座 | Place where there is a god or spirit; Place containing the sacred object of a shrine |
Shibu 支部 | Branch of a Kai |
Shibuchō 支部長 | Head or leader of a Shibu |
Shomen 正面 | Front Wall of the Dojo; Side of the Teacher |
Reishiki 例式 – Etiquette
Gorei 御礼 | Ceremony before and after Training |
Dojo ni Rei 道場に礼 | Paying respect to the Dojo (by bowing on entering or leaving the Dojo) |
Seiza 正座 | (lit. „Correct sitting“) kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, sitting on the heels, back upright |
Sensei ni Rei 先生に礼 | Paying respect to the teacher (by bowing) |
Shomen ni Rei 正面に礼 | Paying respect to the front dojo wall (metaphorically „the ancestors, or predecessors“) |
Tōrei 刀礼 | Paying respect to the sword (ceremony for bowing to the sword before and after practice) |
Basic Vocabulary
1 一 | Ichi |
2 二 | Ni |
3 三 | San |
4 四 | Shi (Yon) |
5 五 | Go |
6 六 | Roku |
7 七 | Nana (Shichi) |
8 八 | Hachi |
9 九 | Kyuu |
10 十 | Juu |
Basic Commands
Hajime 始める | Begin or start |
Yame やめ | Stop |
Modori 戻り | Return (to starting spot) |
Matte 待って | Wait |
Ato アト | Move back |
Katana O Motte 刀 お 持って | Get your sword(s) |
Osame To 納 と | Return Sword to Saya |
Commands and procedure of Go Rei
„Seiretsu“ 整列 | „Line up!“ behind the teacher facing Shomen |
„Chakuza“ 着座 | „Sit!“ In Seiza |
„Mokuso“ 黙想 | „Sit quietly!“ brief meditation sequence with closed eyes |
„Kai Moku“ 皆黙 | „Enough!“ end of meditation/enough |
„Shomen ni Rei“ 正面に礼 | „Bow to Shomen!“ |
Teacher turns, facing the group | |
„Sensei ni Rei“ 先生に礼 | „Bow to the teacher!“ (calling out “O negai shimasu!” at start/ “Arigatou gozaimashita!” at end) |
„Otagai ni Rei“ お互い礼 | „Bow to each other!“ (calling out “O negai shimasu!” at start/ “Arigatou gozaimashita!” at end) |
Keiko 稽古 – Practicing
Waza 技 – Techniques
Kiru 切る – Cutting
Gyakku Kesa Giri 逆袈裟切り | Diagonal cut from below (45°) |
Kessa Giri 袈裟斬り | Diagonal cut from above (30°) |
Makko Giri 真向斬り | Vertical cut from above |
Nukiuchi 抜き打ち | Drawing and cutting in one motion |
Suihe, Yokoichi Monji 水平 | Horizontal cut on heart level |
Tsuki 突き | Thrust |
Forms of Training
Kata 形 | Established form |
Kihon 基本 | Basic (form) |
Kumitachi 組太刀 | Meeting of the swords (partnered training) |
Suburi 素振り | Practice swings of the cuts |
Tameshigiri 試し切り | Cutting test |
Elements of Kata
(Seichusen de) Katana otoru 正中線 | Brining the Katana to the centerline |
Saya wo hiku hajimeru さやを引く始め る | Start pulling back the Saya |
Saya biki 鞘引く | Pulling back the Saya |
Taisabaki 体捌き | (defensive) Body movement |
Nukiuchi 抜打 | Drawing the sword and cutting in one motion |
Nuki Tsuke 抜き付け | Drawing of the sword and performing the first cut |
Kiri Tsuke 霧付け | Further cuts |
Furikaburi 振り頭 | Brining the sword above the head in preparation for a cut from above |
Todome wo sassu 敵を倒す | Killing the opponent |
Tekizuke 敵続く | Following the opponent (Kissaki sinks down) |
Zanshin 残心 | State of relaxed alertness |
Chiburi 血振るい | Shaking the blood off the blade |
Noto 納刀 | Resheathing the Katana |
Toei Yama no miru 遠山の観る | Looking at the remote mountain (also Enzan no metsuke) |
Metsuke 目付 | (Direction of) Gaze |
Defensive Principles
Ukedome 受け止 | Stopping the attack (Block) |
Ukenagashi 受流 | Deflect the attack |
Ukegaeshi 受け返 | Throwing the attack back |
Kamae 構え – Combat Posture
Chūdan no kamae 中段の構 | Katana to the front (also Hira Seigon no Kamae) |
Gedan no kamae下段の構 | Katana to the front, tilted downwards |
Hassō-no-kamae 八相の構 | Katana next to the head, tilted 30° to the back |
Jōdan-no-kamae 上段の構 | Katana above the head, tilted 45° backwards |
Waki Gamae 脇構 | Sword on the side pointing backwards, slightly down |
Sword Parts
Bō-hi 棒樋 | Groove on the sides of a blade to reduce weight; creating a swooshing sound during cuts, when the blade alignment is correct |
Fuchi 縁 | Metal collar around the the Tsuka beneath the Tsuba |
Ha 刃 | Cutting edge of a blade |
Habaki 鎺 | Metal collar around the base of the Blade fitting the blade tightly in the Saya |
Hamachi 刃区 | End of the Ha, dividing the blade from the Nakago |
Hamon 刃文 | Temper-line on a differentially hardened blade |
Kashira 頭 | End cap of the Tsuka |
Kissaki 切先 | Point of the blade |
Koiguchi 鯉口 | Mouth of the Saya |
Kojiri 鐺 | End of the Saya, sometimes a decorative cap |
Kurigata 栗形 | Knob on the side of the Saya for attaching the Sageo |
Mekugi 目釘 | Small peg for securing the Tsuka to the Nakago |
Mekugi-ana 目釘穴 | The hole(s) in the Tsuka and Nakago for the Mekugi |
Menuki 目貫 | Metal ornaments on the Tsuka |
Mihaba 身幅 | Blade width from Ha to Mune |
Monouchi 物打 | Part of the blade mostly used for cutting (roughly the first third from the Kissaki) |
Mune 棟 | Back of the sword |
Munemachi 棟区 | End of the Mune, dividing the blade from the Nakago |
Nakago 茎 | Tang |
Nagasa 長さ | Blade length from Kissaki to Munemachi |
Sageo 下げ緒 | Cord used to tie Saya to the Obi when worn |
Same-kawa (samegawa) 鮫皮 | Ray or shark skin wrapping of the Tsuka |
Saya 鞘 | Scabbard; traditionally from lacquered wood |
Seppa 切羽 | Washers above and below the Tsuba to tighten the fittings |
Shinogi 鎬 | Ridge along the side of the blade |
Sori 反り | Curvature of the sword |
Tsuba 鍔 or 鐔 | Hand guard |
Tsuka 柄 | Hilt |
Tsuka-maki 柄巻 | Wrapping of the Tsuka |
Tsuka-ito 柄糸 | Cord for wrapping the Tsuka; usually silk, cotton or sometimes leather |
General Directions
Gyakku 逆 | reversed |
Hidari 左 | left |
Mae 前 | front/foreward |
Migi 右 | right |
Ushiro 後ろ | back(wards) |
Yoko 横 | side |
Useful Expressions
“Arigatou gozaimashita.” ありがとございいます | “Thank you very much.” |
“Konbanwa.” こんばんは | “Good evening.” |
“Konnichiwa.” こんにちわ | “Hello.” |
“Ohayō.” おはよう | “Good morning.” |
“O negai Shimasu.” おねがいします | “Please (teach me).” |
“Oyasumi.” おやすみ | “Good night.” |
“Sayonara.” さよなら | “Good bye.” |
“Sumimasen.” すみません | ”Excuse me.” |