Alexander Daibō Kōjin (大波 廣仁) Biagioli

Shibuchou of Tenshinkai Dojo New Jersey

I have been practicing and living martial arts for almost 25 years. As a young man, I met Grand Master T.H. Kim, who taught me the Korean Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do and introduced me to Buddhist Ethics and Meditation.  I currently hold the master rank of O Dan from the World Tae Kwon Do Federation.

My deep interest in Buddhism and Meditation led me to my current Zen Master, Roshi Eran Junryu Vardi from whom I received Denkai (Sōtō Zen Priest Ordination) and the name Kōjin (Vast Compassion).  I currently hold the rank of Head Priest at the Eiryu-ji Zen Center.

My identification with Zen and Japanese Culture eventually led me to the martial art of the Samurai, Mugai Ryu Iaido. I am a direct student of the Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern Shinryu Sensei who placed me as his New Jersey representative for Tenshinkai Mugai Ryu Iaido.  I currently hold the rank of Shodan.

I believe that martial arts are a way of life that teaches us many lessons that can be utilized in everyday life as evidenced by the virtues of Bushido, the honor codex of the Samurai warrior:

Righteousness (義, gi) – Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people.  A true warrior must make a full commitment to their decisions.
Courage (勇, yū) – Live life completely, fully and wonderfully.  A true warrior must have courage which is not blind, but intelligent and strong.
Compassion (仁, jin) – Develop your power to be used for good of all creation.  A true warrior must take every opportunity to do good for others.
Respect (礼, rei) – Be strong and true in difficult times.  A true warrior is represented by their honorable dealings with others.
Honesty (誠, makoto) – Make your words as true as your actions.  A true warrior will always live up to their commitments.
Honour (名誉, meiyo) – Be true to who you are.  A true warrior judges the character of themselves before judging others.
Loyalty (忠義, chūgi) – Be responsible for everything you do and say.  A true warrior is loyal to all those in their care.
Self-Control (自制, jisei) – Be Mindful of your thoughts and actions.  A true warrior is responsible for their actions and their consequences.