Mugai Ryu Iaido & Kenjutsu

Authentic Samurai martial art of the Samurai with the Katana

Mugai Ryu Iaido is an ancient, authentic martial art of the Samurai. It was founded 1693 and passed on by generations. The deep connection to Zen and plain beauty of the style, create the characteristic calmness and sharp awareness.

Niina Soke - Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha

The dojos in the Mugai Ryu Europe federation teach Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha under grandmaster, Niina Toyoaki Gyokusou Soke. We are the official representative for the whole of Europe.

Mugai Ryu is a widely open style, what means that everybody should be able to get the opportunity to train. So it is opening Iaido to non-japanese, women and handicapped persons, regardless of religion.

Mugai Ryu Iaido Training contents are KataKenjutsu and Tameshigiri. The training takes place in a focused, quiet and respectful atmosphere.

Mugai Ryu Iaido is “cutting Iai”. All techniques have to cut and must be effectively usable in real fight situation. This demand is nowadays rarely seen in other Iaido schools.

Kata (Forms) are trained with real swords. Until the Master degree, or Dan level, Iaito are used. Iaito are training Katana made of steel, but not sharpended. Kata training helps the Iaidoka to work on his posture, charisma, presence and of course the use of the sword.

Next to Kata, Kenjutsu is taught using Bokuto (wooden swords). Kumitachi is training the techniques with an actual partner, optionally Kendo-like sparring is also part of Kenjutsu.

The last aspect is Tameshigiri, the cutting test, in which the student learns to cut with a real sword. This is comparable to the breaking test of the weaponless martial arts.