Welcome to the Tenshinkai Dojo New Jersey

Authentic Samurai Martial Arts located in Bergen County New Jersey

The Tenshinkai Dojo New Jersey offers training in authentic Japanese Martial Arts deeply imbued with the spirit of Zen. As a martial arts Dojo located in Bergen County, New Jersey, we teach traditional Japanese Swordsmanship in the form of Mugai Ryu combined with the authentic practice of Sōtō Zen.

Alexander Daibō Kōjin (大波 廣仁) Biagioli, Shibuchou, is  founder and leader of the Tenshinkai Dojo New Jersey and is an official Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha representative and direct student of Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern Shinryu Sensei, Supervisor of Tenshinkai and Mugai Ryu Europe.  He is also an ordained Sōtō Zen Priest and direct disciple of Rosh Eran Junryu Vardi founder and head teacher of the Eiryu-ji Zen Center of New Jersey.

Eric Weiland, Bashochou, assists in all aspects of Dojo training and etiquette.

The Tenshinkai Dojo New Jersey endeavors to pass on Mugai Ryu, an authentic martial art of the Samurai, in all facets. We see martial arts as a way of living and not restricted to the Dojo. A true martial artist is a master of life and a model for society.  The Tenshinkai Dojo New Jersey practices physical training through Mugai Ryu Iaido and spiritual training through the practice of Sōtō Zen.

We offer the following courses:

Mugai Ryu Iaido – Japanese Sword fighting with the Katana practiced as Kata, Kenjutsu/Kumitachi and Tameshigiri.
Zen Training – Traditional Sōtō Zen training in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi practiced as Zazen, Dharma Talks and Personal Meetings with a Teacher.